Caregiver Corner In-Services Volume 1

Price : $135.00

Our Caregiver Corner In-Services are perfect if you are looking for a fun, engaging way to provide ongoing education to your staff. Available for instant, unlimited download, each of the 12  issues include information on the related topic, an info-graphic, and knowledge review.

The topics included in this set of Caregiver Corner are: Back Safety, Caregiver Stress, Coping with Loss, Dysphagia, HIPAA, Infection Control, Meaningful Activities, Normal Aging, Reducing Falls, Sexual Harassment, Uncooperative Residents and Understanding Depression.

Following purchase, all 12 of these In-Services will be available for instant download out of convenience for you to share with your staff at your discretion: monthly, weekly, or when you have a particular issue in your facility.

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